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A Quebec towel for the outdoors and the beach.

Photo du rédacteur: Inventions Archimhead inc.Inventions Archimhead inc.

Archimhead towels: A Quebec towel for the outdoors, travel and more: We had an email from a reader who told us about this towel. The need created the invention, and this for millennia.

We often see them, which are left on the beaches, wet towels full of sand, people don't want to bring them in their rented cars often. Here in our opinion, the towel you need, outdoors, and traveling, all created by a Beauceron, they did not just invent the Jos Louis in the corner, they are very ingenious. We admit that we do not know all of Etienne Robichaud's inventions. In the meantime, his new towel is absorbent on one side and waterproof on the other, it seems very practical. The sand does not stick, on one side and on the other, it is absorbent. We had one from the western provinces, in Asian fabric, but it did not absorb more than was necessary. Here it’s suede microfiber, absorbent, smooth and durable. In addition, pockets, with velcro, have several uses, objects, sand to keep in place with the wind. And all this with a bag to insert in his suitcase. Amélie, who studied fashion at Marie Victorin College, and who has made many clothes, says that she has confidence in the product. In addition to the one we have, it's the sea blue color that we love. Etienne Robichaud, comes from a family of inventors, in his forties, he has several other inventions, this is the first that he markets with the help of his wife. 3 formats are available, one for the gym, and two for the outdoors. On his site, there is a short video. We have the product, we had a favorable prejudice, so we experienced everything on the beaches of the south, it's perfect, in addition it protects you from the sun if necessary, because it does not heat no matter on which side you l 'use. For the 2018 holidays, the towel is now available in red. To wash it, the washer and then we hang it up , no dryer. You still have to find yourself a beach.

Special collaboration: Amélie Lacroixp- Maccabée.

It is possible to get the Archimhead outdoor towel on their online store:

Et il y a un autre vidéo ludique  sur le produit :

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